Part 227: Mission 59 - Overpainted Tomorrow / World in Black - Part 1

Chapter 59 Setsuko - World in Black
59 Rand - Overpainted Tomorrow

Its named like that for a reason.

*Beep, beep!*

Location: North Ameria New Earth Federation HQ

Edels back and quite satisfied to have, at last, ascended to her rightful position; Fitzgerald has also been promoted after Bloodmans death, with Edel appointing him as the third
This move isn't exactly endorsed by the Federal Parliament but Edel mildly says she'll see that his confirmation passes her decisions are above any objections. Fitzgerald is appalled with her behavior and asks if all her struggles in the name of peace were just an act. Edel doesnt answer and he follows it up, asking if shes showing her true colors now that Dewey and Scirocco are gone.
She quickly snaps: Youd do well to watch your tongue. I am the greatest of all humans its only natural that I rule all others!. Hell, she figures the ignorant masses should actually be thankful that theyre being ruled by her instead of Scirocco (a mere bystander), Dewey (a delusional moron) or Durandal (a fruitless theoretician)!
Fitzgerald shouts back that the world ought not be governed by a single person, but by people from all different backgrounds. Do you want to die? If you dont, then shut your mouth. This world exists for one purpose alone: to be ruled by me., she proclaims to a stunned Fitzgerald.
Shes given him a position of authority, so what complaint could he possibly have? Fitzgerald pauses carefully, then smiles and asks her one question: does she actually have a concrete plan for the "law and order" she says she'll bring to the world?
She angrily reiterates that she will rule the world with law and order, period. OK, but Fitzgerald says a concrete plan is needed to pull that off andI will rule the world with law and order, period, Edel repeats.
Is your cause no more than a slogan?!, he asks. That does it, Edel yells that she can easily get someone else to replace him and if hell oppose her, that makes him a traitor to the entire world!

I LOVE YOOUU! My Lady Edel, I got some hot info here, so lets all calm down. Pretty please with sugar on top? Theeh enters the room and distracts Edel from Fitzgerald, handing her info on ZEUTHs mind-blowing return to this world.
She already knew that, since the Lemures can detect dimensional tremors, and Theeh is very disappointed that he doesnt get to see her looking surprised. Edel tells him that she sees everything, everywhere, in advance, including what ZEUTH's next move will be.
Theehs very impressed with this worlds beautiful sovereign and promises to serve her for as long as he lives he gets a bit too close for comfort, so Edel slaps him one. Of course, that only gets him all turned on and, in deference to his excellent work on the Lemures, she goes and slaps him thrice more as a reward.
Grandpa gets crazy happy, yelling that he could die right now with no regrets, but Edel's got another job for him: go help Löwen and the others over at South Ameria.
Theeh pouts that he wants to stay with Edel but quickly says he was kidding when she frowns her face still, his sucking up to her earns him another slap. Fitzgerald is just kinda standing there in a daze and Edel apologizes for Theehs unsightly display.
Regardless, with the Aprillius Allied Army gone, ZEUTH is all that stands before the unification of the Earth sphere and, once thats done, shell achieve what no other before her has: rulership of the entire world.
Inwardly, Fitzgerald knows that ZEUTH is the only force capable of stopping her now.

Location: Pacific Ocean Trinity City

Dominic briefs ZEUTH on Dewey's ultimate plan for causing the Scub Coral to self-destruct via the surrogate Command Cluster this, of course, would mean the death of not just Eureka and the Coral but of all the people inside it.
Renton is already pissed but Gainer calms him down, saying that both Eureka and his sister are still OK and Amuro agrees as, if that program had actually been activated, we wouldnt have even been able to get in touch with the Coral.
However, Marin knows that Eureka had to have replaced the Command Cluster lest the Coralians awake and trigger the Limit of Questions. With that in mind, and judging from readings of the dimensional walls taken since the Atlandia battle, Quinstein posits that Eureka is, somehow, in an incomplete state as the Command Cluster.
What this means is that she CAN control the Coral and keep it asleep but she hasnt been assimilated back into it, meaning the self-destruct program isnt passed on. Julie and Toshiya see that Eurekas now been given the burden of protecting both this world and the Scub at the same time.
The problem is, Dominic says, shes seemingly reaching the limits of her endurance: the dimensional walls have been growing progressively unstable and hes quite certain that its directly related to her situation.
So now we have a lose/lose situation: if Eureka keeps going, shell eventually run out of energy and be assimilated into the Coral, leading it and the people inside to their death, but if we free her from the Command Cluster, therell be nothing to prevent the Dimensional Collapse from happening.

Still, Rentons made a promise to Diane to protect both sides and he still plans on pulling it off; Garrods with him as there are loads of people living in this world and in the Coral as well.
Jiron figures the Coralians have just as much right to live as us, so we cant well turn our backs on them, and both Setsuko and Rand agree that, regardless of whether we can pull it off or not, we should just keep trying until the end.
Dominic isnt sure if Dewey was aware of all humans living inside the Coral but hes now on the same page as us and willing to fight in the defense of ALL life. He openly admits that he's being spurred on by his love for Anenome and, no, hes not embarrassed to admit it its his wish to protect not just her but the world she lives in and all the things shes yet to experience
Gainer quietly realizes that his old declaration of love has been one-upped and even Garrods getting a bit misty eyed.
Hap and Matthew are at a loss for words and Dominic starts worrying, figuring theyve an issue with what he said, but Holland sighs that theyre just getting a big sense of déjà vu and Talho and Gidget are forced to agree.
Regardless, Kira and Jamil say that everyone here has been fighting with the same desire as him and even Holland admits to it (bashfully). Theres no need to get hung up on appearances here, Amuro figures, and Kei says Dominic has made the contents of his heart loud and clear so hes more than welcome.
We gotta get Eureka back and keep the dream of coexistence with the Coralians alive but, Moondoggie asks, doing so could trigger the Collapse so what do we do? Theres only one option to save everything: we rescue Eureka and perform the Dimensional Repair and stabilize the world right after, before the Collapse hits.

Atena reminds that we still dont know where the Great Singularity is at but thats when Tsukikage brings in Maneesha. Shes personally come to Trinity City and while the Emaan havent found the thing itself, they did determine where the ENTRANCE to its location is!
Kouji figures that to mean that the Great Singularity isnt in this world and he had thought it strange that neither the Chiram nor Emaanians could find it, despite their combined efforts. Truth be told, the only reason they were able to even find this entrance was due to how crazy the dimensional walls got when they almost collapsed following the destruction of the Tree of Life.
Of course, Eureka became the Command Cluster and temporarily repaired them but, while that all happened, they were able to ping the spot where a massive confluence of dimensional energy the Great Singularity intersected with our own dimension. Coincidentally, its the very spot where the Command Cluster and, therefore, Eureka, are located!
The place seems to be in the skies above equatorial South Ameria, somewhat outside the atmosphere, and Rentons already hyped to go there and see Eureka again. Taking out two birds with one stone sounds good for Eiji and he wants to go right now.
Camille and Touga tell him to hold his horses as theres one thing we need to keep in mind: the Dimensional Repair will be performed by us, the Singularities, and our minds would shape the new world...but do we actually have the right to do that alone?
Apollo counters that, if we wait around, Eureka wont hang on and then the Scubll be gone. Plus, Silvia mulls that, even if we still have some time left, it wont be anywhere near enough for us to hear and compile the opinions of everyone in the world.

Doctor Bear then walks in, telling everyone not to give up before they even start. He's got a plan for gathering the thoughts of everyone in the world but, before that, theres something that needs to be done.
Adette figures he means defeating Edel and while Gain agrees that that needs to happen, we dont really have the time to spare. Greg agrees that the repair takes the utmost priority but if were going to convince every person to pitch in their opinion for it, they must be made aware of what is TRULY going on with the world right now.
He doesnt mean informing them just about the Coralians but of everything thats happened since the Break the World: the truth behind the war between humans, the Fallen Angel conflict, demons, aliens all thats been distorted by Edels manipulation must be exposed.
Shes built a system of control based on the fabricated information and, once its brought down, the people can decide for themselves the fate of the world.
The issue with this is that the UN is the only way to diffuse such a message across the entire world and thats firmly under the Chimeras control - Mizuki figures, even if we used a terminal to do our broadcast, theyd quickly cut our access.
In that case, Roger suggests we go and seize the UN control station ourselves and, thus, we can broadcast without anyones interference. Even better, the stations also located in South Ameria so thats THREE birds with one stone: we can take the station, peel away Edels lies, head to space for Eureka and do the dimensional repair in time for dinner.

Roybea really doesnt think itll be that easy and Amuro agrees: the UN is the cornerstone of the Chimeras power so the place is likely to be heavily guarded. Furthermore, Stoner adds, even if we successfully take over the station, you cant just broadcast whatever out to the world and think itll stick.
The Chimeras are much more experienced than us in mediatic warfare so if we dont make an incredibly well-rounded, persuasive argument, anything we say will simply be disregarded as rhetoric from a terrorist group. We need to not only tell people the truth but to make everyone believe it, which means it must be covered under a pile of evidence.
The Freedens Sara understands, as society is already leaning heavily to Edels side, so convincing them will be difficult. Julie agrees: all the manipulated information, paired with Edels angelic visage, has elevated her to a near goddess-like status.
Jamil says well require some powerful material to break Edels lies and it needs to have strong visual appeal - pictures, videos, anything thatll add credence to our words. If we had time, we could ask for Kai and his journalist friends gather all that for us but we dont and the success of this plan hinges on how much stuff we have.

Thankfully, Mel and Setsuko hold the keys to our victory: their respective Memory Notebook and Virgolas Gun Camera are filled with images taken from everything thats happened since the first Break.
All this time, Setsukos been recording her battles as per Denzels orders and thisll even allow us to showcase what truly happened at the Junius Seven drop and the Space-Time Oscillation Bomb thats prime-time material right there, Kei figures.
Thank you, Chief the mission you gave me will let us rouse the entire world , she thinks.
Mels a bit uneasy with surrendering her precious notebook but Rand convinces her on the argument that itll be broadcast it across the entire world, so its certain that Cieloll see it too.
Holland trusts Dr. Bear to do his part after weve done ours and Greg wants to help in any way he can, saying that all the people and the planet itself - wish for space-time to be repaired.
Eurekas own strength will be needed for this, so hes counting on Renton to see her back.

Location: South Ameria Orbital Elevator UN Station, Control Room

Theeh has already arrived and is happy to see all of the Chimera squad gathered here, though Löwen sniffs that its not much considering the lot of them are all of the squads members.
Still, Ziene figures quality over quantity as Edels victory has proven. Löwen, fully immersed in the idea that the world exists to be ruled by her, says her victory was a foregone conclusion and Zienes always amused at what a loyal puppy he is, despite his issues with women.
That said, he does take the time to clarify that he'd rather see every last woman in this world die if their name isn't Edel Bernal - no exceptions. Ziene doesnt appreciate his attitude but Schlan cuts in, reminding that, whatever their reasons, theyve all taken Edels cause as their own.
Indeed, Löwen sees in her a goddess and would readily sacrifice all that he is, life included, to her but Schlan was more interested in her strategy: he wanted someplace where he could put his skills to work and getting the chance to control people with information, from behind the scenes, made for an opportunity too unique to pass on.
Ziene inwardly smirks at Schlans habit of flaunting how creepy he is but, regardless, she knows she has no right to criticize. Theeh asks if she has any words before the final battle for Earth and, when she asks, explains that itll happen soon as hes detected ZEUTH headed this way.
Löwen is grinning from ear to ear but Schlan warns him not to underestimate our strength; doesnt matter, theyll destroy us anyway and Löwen yells that there isnt a person in this world who could stop him now.
Schlan smirks at his passion and Löwen, in turn, thanks him for the praise it fills him with pride. Ziene is still quietly analyzing, having seen through Schlans act, and wonders what lies behind that calm, fake smile of his.

Either way, Löwen turns to Ziene and says she must also be ready to lay down her life if thats what it takes to bring Edels new world to bear. She says thats exactly what she had in mind but Schlan wonders if that stance wouldnt change when push comes to shove.
She assures them in no uncertain terms that she hates this messed-up world from the bottom of her heart and if Edel really means to restore order, Ziene won't hesitate to put her own life on the line. Youll do that in the name of your dead subordinates, huh? How admirable., Löwen smirks.
Schlan buys it and tells her shell get her chance for payback against her corrupted fate.
Löwen wants to get things ready for our arrival and Schlans readying the cameras to transmit the battle live, with us being painted as rebels trying to seize control of the UN. Once were suppressed, that should garner even more support from the unwashed masses.
As they leave, Ziene seems a bit depressed and Theeh quickly starts prodding her with puns and innuendos (which I dont have the patience to translate) this only serves to annoy Ziene but thats better than her staying down.

And here it is. The last Battle Mastery of the game! This stage is a straightforward slugfest. There's no gimmicks, no insane reinforcements, none of that. We have Chimera's grunts to deal with as well as Schlan, Löwen, and Ziene. The Battle Mastery comes from defeating all enemies within 7 turns. So let's get to it!
Turn 1

There are a ton of enemies, starting off with a wall of Psyco Gundams, Destroys, and Patulias. Then we have upgraded crows mixed with Assault Aquarions. Finally around each member of Chimera are mass produced Chaos Anguis, Chaos Leos, and Chaos Capers.

Since the enemies are kind of spread out. I'm spreading my own guys out too.

Like so.

Now to let theem make their move.

Great start Chimera.

Darn it Emma. That was a 26% you failed at.

36% chance. The crows are among the more accurate enemies. At least they paid for it.
Turn 2

Second turn, ready to start punching past their front lines!

Luna is so good at Support Attacking.

Trust to heal up Emma and Kamille.

Seven casters of Confuse available.

Six turns left.

I blow this set of crows up and...

Location: North Ameria New Earth Federation HQ

This is Edel Bernal of the New Earth Federation Army with a message for all of mankind. As you can see from this live video, a battle has initiated at the UN station. The UN was created in order to centralize and distribute information for all to use and a terrorist group is now attacking it in an attempt to seize control.
This group is known as ZEUTH and their activities are well documented across the UNs archives: unattached to any nation or organization, these terrorists have time and again worsened the chaotic state of this world, spurred on by their greed.
The slaughter at the Garnahan Valley, the abduction of a Vodarac priest their crimes are in the dozens. Even during the battles against the aliens, they attempted to profiteer from the hostilities behind our backs.
And now, as the nations lay exhausted by the war, they move to seize control of the world themselves and start by attempting to conquer the lifeline of our society.
Presently, my personal troops of the Chimera Squadron are engaging them and I swear to you that those whod disrupt the multi-dimensional worlds order will be firmly punished.
Neither I nor the world will bend our knee to violence well strike ZEUTH down in the name of law and order.
Back with us

Not going to let being labeled international terrorists stop me!

1-7 range Post Move Tri Charge is a bit silly, yes.

Might as well show off one of the Eternal's Attacks while I'm at it.

Come enemy phase, I realize that these Destroy A.Is have access to its MAP.

Luckily, with Confuse up and the lack of any boss stats or skills means that it doesn't hit any Reals.

And the Supers just kind of have their paint jobs scratched.

How cute. This guy thinks it can snipe Setsuko.


And then Apollo shames me by missing on an 86%.

Toshiya blowing up that one activates Dizer Full Power.

Then Luna wiping out squad of them triggers the Aquarion's Element System.
With the next part of the stage coming next week!